The Drawer component is a panel that slides out from the edge of the screen. It can be useful when you need users to complete a task or view some details without leaving the current page.
import { Drawer } from '@chakra-ui/react'
Basic Drawer#
function DrawerExample() {const { open, onOpen, onClose } = useDisclosure()const btnRef = React.useRef()return (<><Button ref={btnRef} colorPalette='teal' onClick={onOpen}>Open</Button><Draweropen={open}placement='right'onClose={onClose}finalFocusRef={btnRef}><Drawer.Backdrop /><Drawer.Content><Drawer.CloseTrigger /><Drawer.Header>Create your account</Drawer.Header><Drawer.Body><Input placeholder='Type here...' /></Drawer.Body><Drawer.Footer><Button variant='outline' mr={3} onClick={onClose}>Cancel</Button><Button colorPalette='blue'>Save</Button></Drawer.Footer></Drawer.Content></Drawer></>)}
Drawer placement#
The Drawer can appear from any edge of the screen. Pass the placement
prop and
set it to top
, right
, bottom
, or left
function PlacementExample() {const { open, onOpen, onClose } = useDisclosure()const [placement, setPlacement] = React.useState('right')return (<><RadioGroup.Root defaultValue={placement} onChange={setPlacement}><Stack direction='row' mb='4'><RadioGroup.Item value='top'>Top</RadioGroup.Item><RadioGroup.Item value='right'>Right</RadioGroup.Item><RadioGroup.Item value='bottom'>Bottom</RadioGroup.Item><RadioGroup.Item value='left'>Left</RadioGroup.Item></Stack></RadioGroup.Root><Button colorPalette='blue' onClick={onOpen}>Open</Button><Drawer placement={placement} onClose={onClose} open={open}><Drawer.Backdrop /><Drawer.Content><Drawer.Header borderBottomWidth='1px'>Basic Drawer</Drawer.Header><Drawer.Body><p>Some contents...</p><p>Some contents...</p><p>Some contents...</p></Drawer.Body></Drawer.Content></Drawer></>)}
Focus on specific element#
When a form is in the drawer, you might need to set focus on a specific element
when the drawer opens. Pass the initialFocusRef
Without the
prop, the drawer will set focus on the first focusable element when it opens.
function DrawerExample() {const { open, onOpen, onClose } = useDisclosure()const firstField = React.useRef()return (<><Button colorPalette='teal' onClick={onOpen}><AddIcon />Create user</Button><Drawer.Rootopen={open}placement='right'initialFocusRef={firstField}onClose={onClose}><Drawer.Backdrop /><Drawer.Content><Drawer.CloseTrigger /><Drawer.Header borderBottomWidth='1px'>Create a new account</Drawer.Header><Drawer.Body><Stack gap='24px'><Box><FormLabel htmlFor='username'>Name</FormLabel><Inputref={firstField}id='username'placeholder='Please enter user name'/></Box><Box><FormLabel htmlFor='url'>Url</FormLabel><Group><InputAddon>http://</InputAddon><Inputtype='url'id='url'placeholder='Please enter domain'/><InputAddon placement='end'>.com</InputAddon></Group></Box><Box><FormLabel htmlFor='owner'>Select Owner</FormLabel><Select id='owner' defaultValue='segun'><option value='segun'>Segun Adebayo</option><option value='kola'>Kola Tioluwani</option></Select></Box><Box><FormLabel htmlFor='desc'>Description</FormLabel><Textarea id='desc' /></Box></Stack></Drawer.Body><Drawer.Footer borderTopWidth='1px'><Button variant='outline' mr={3} onClick={onClose}>Cancel</Button><Button colorPalette='blue'>Submit</Button></Drawer.Footer></Drawer.Content></Drawer.Root></>)}
Drawer Widths#
Pass the size
prop if you need to adjust the size of the drawer. Values can be
, sm
, md
, lg
, xl
, or full
function SizeExample() {const [size, setSize] = React.useState('')const { open, onOpen, onClose } = useDisclosure()const handleClick = (newSize) => {setSize(newSize)onOpen()}const sizes = ['xs', 'sm', 'md', 'lg', 'xl', 'full']return (<>{sizes.map((size) => (<ButtononClick={() => handleClick(size)}key={size}m={4}>{`Open ${size} Drawer`}</Button>))}<Drawer onClose={onClose} open={open} size={size}><Drawer.Backdrop /><Drawer.Content><Drawer.CloseTrigger /><Drawer.Header>{`${size} drawer contents`}</Drawer.Header><Drawer.Body><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed doeiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.Consequat nisl vel pretium lectus quam id. Semper quis lectusnulla at volutpat diam ut venenatis. Dolor morbi non arcu risusquis varius quam quisque. Massa ultricies mi quis hendrerit dolormagna eget est lorem. Erat imperdiet sed euismod nisi porta.Lectus vestibulum mattis ullamcorper velit.</p></Drawer.Body></Drawer.Content></Drawer></>)}
Using a form in a Drawer#
If you need to put a form within the Drawer, you might need to use a form
validation library like react-hook-form
or formik
. Here's the recommended
way to do it:
Because the button is located outside the form, you can leverage its native HTML
attribute and refer to theid
of theform
export const App = () => {const { open, onOpen, onClose } = useDisclosure()return (<><Button onClick={onOpen}>Open</Button><Drawer open={open} onClose={onClose}><Drawer.Backdrop /><Drawer.Content><Drawer.CloseTrigger /><Drawer.Header>Create your account</Drawer.Header><Drawer.Body><formid='my-form'onSubmit={(e) => {e.preventDefault()console.log('submitted')}}><Input name='nickname' placeholder='Type here...' /></form></Drawer.Body><Drawer.Footer><Button type='submit' form='my-form'>Save</Button></Drawer.Footer></Drawer.Content></Drawer></>)}
- When opening the Drawer, focus is trapped inside the Drawer.
- By default, the drawer sets focus on the first focusable element. If the
prop is passed, the drawer sets focus on the element with the assignedref
. - After the drawer closes, it'll return focus to the element that triggered it.
Drawer Props#
composes the Modal
component with these extra props:
Other components#
The Drawer
component is a multipart component.
To learn more about styling multipart components, visit the Component Style page.
- A:
- B:
- C:
- D:
- E:
- F:
- G:
You can find more information in the source here.
Theming properties#
The properties that affect the theming of the Drawer
component are:
: The visual variant of theDrawer
. Defaults to baseStyle.size
: The size of theDrawer
. Defaults to md.
Theming utilities#
: a function that returns a set of utilities for creating style configs for a multipart component (definePartsStyle and defineMultiStyleConfig).definePartsStyle
: a function used to create multipart style objects.defineMultiStyleConfig
: a function used to define the style configuration for a multipart component.
Customizing the default theme#
import { drawerAnatomy as parts } from '@chakra-ui/anatomy'import { createMultiStyleConfigHelpers } from '@chakra-ui/styled-system'const { definePartsStyle, defineMultiStyleConfig } =createMultiStyleConfigHelpers(parts.keys)const baseStyle = definePartsStyle({// define the part you're going to styleoverlay: {bg: 'blackAlpha.200', //change the background},dialog: {borderRadius: 'md',bg: `purple.100`,},})export const drawerTheme = defineMultiStyleConfig({baseStyle,})
After customizing the drawer theme, we can import it in our theme file and add it in the components property:
import { extendTheme } from '@chakra-ui/react'import { drawerTheme } from './components/theme/drawer'export const theme = extendTheme({components: { Drawer: drawerTheme },})
This is a crucial step to make sure that any changes that we make to the
theme are applied.
Adding a custom size#
Let's assume we want to change the font size of both header and dialog.
import { drawerAnatomy as parts } from '@chakra-ui/anatomy'import {createMultiStyleConfigHelpers,defineStyle,} from '@chakra-ui/styled-system'const { definePartsStyle, defineMultiStyleConfig } =createMultiStyleConfigHelpers(parts.keys)const xl = defineStyle({px: '6',py: '2',fontSize: 'xl',})const sm = defineStyle({fontSize: 'sm',py: '6',})const sizes = {xl: definePartsStyle({ header: sm, dialog: xl }),}export const drawerTheme = defineMultiStyleConfig({sizes,})// Now we can use the new `xl` size<Drawer size="xl" ... />
Every time you're adding anything new to the theme, you'd need to run the CLI command to get proper autocomplete in your IDE. You can learn more about the CLI tool here.
Adding a custom variant#
Let's assume we want to include a custom variant. Here's how we can do that:
import { drawerAnatomy as parts } from '@chakra-ui/anatomy'import { createMultiStyleConfigHelpers } from '@chakra-ui/styled-system'const { definePartsStyle, defineMultiStyleConfig } =createMultiStyleConfigHelpers(parts.keys)const purple = definePartsStyle({dialog: {borderRadius: 'md',bg: `purple.100`,// Let's also provide dark mode alternatives_dark: {bg: `purple.600`,color: 'white',},},})export const drawerTheme = defineMultiStyleConfig({variants: { purple },})// Now we can use the new `purple` variant<Drawer variant='purple' ... />
Changing the default properties#
Let's assume we want to change the default size and variant of every Drawer
our app.
import { drawerAnatomy as parts } from '@chakra-ui/anatomy'import { createMultiStyleConfigHelpers } from '@chakra-ui/styled-system'const { defineMultiStyleConfig } = createMultiStyleConfigHelpers(parts.keys)export const drawerTheme = defineMultiStyleConfig({defaultProps: {size: 'xl',variant: 'purple',},})// This saves you time, instead of manually setting the size and variant every time you use a Drawer:<Drawer size="xl" variant="purple" ... />
import { Drawer, DrawerBody, DrawerFooter, DrawerHeader, DrawerOverlay, DrawerContent, DrawerCloseButton, useDisclosure, Button, Box, IconButton, useColorMode, } from "@chakra-ui/react"; import { FaMoon, FaSun } from "react-icons/fa"; export default function App() { const { isOpen, onOpen, onClose } = useDisclosure(); const { toggleColorMode, colorMode } = useColorMode(); return ( <Box position="relative" h="100vh" p={12}> <Button onClick={onOpen}>Open Drawer</Button> <Drawer isOpen={isOpen} onClose={onClose}> <DrawerOverlay /> <DrawerContent> <DrawerHeader>Drawer Title</DrawerHeader> <DrawerCloseButton /> <DrawerBody> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Et corporis quisquam eum adipisci impedit quo eius nisi est aspernatur vel veniam velit qui numquam totam. Vel debitis sint ut culpa cupiditate a dolores voluptates ut vero voluptatem non rerum aliquid qui sapiente possimus. Eum natus voluptates hic galisum architecto et nobis incidunt ut odio ipsum qui repudiandae voluptatem. </DrawerBody> <DrawerFooter> <Button colorScheme="blue" mr={3} onClick={onClose}> Close </Button> <Button variant="ghost">Secondary Action</Button> </DrawerFooter> </DrawerContent> </Drawer> <IconButton aria-label="change theme" rounded="full" size="xs" position="absolute" bottom={4} left={4} onClick={toggleColorMode} icon={colorMode === "dark" ? <FaSun /> : <FaMoon />} /> </Box> ); }