
Field provides context such as `invalid`, `disabled`, and `required` to form elements



import { Field } from '@chakra-ui/react'


<Field.Label>Email address</Field.Label>
<Input type='email' />
<Field.HelpText>We'll never share your email.</Field.HelpText>

Usage with RadioGroup#

<Field.Root as='fieldset'>
<Field.Label as='legend'>Favorite Naruto Character</Field.Label>
<RadioGroup.Root defaultValue='Itachi'>
<HStack gap='24px'>
<RadioGroup.Item value='Sasuke'>Sasuke</RadioGroup.Item>
<RadioGroup.Item value='Nagato'>Nagato</RadioGroup.Item>
<RadioGroup.Item value='Itachi'>Itachi</RadioGroup.Item>
<RadioGroup.Item value='Sage of the six Paths'>
Sage of the six Paths
<Field.HelpText>Select only if you're a fan.</Field.HelpText>

Displaying an error message#

Field.ErrorMessage will only show up when the property invalid in Field.Root is true.

function ErrorMessageExample() {
const [input, setInput] = useState('')
const handleInputChange = (e) => setInput(
const invalid = input === ''
return (
<Field.Root invalid={invalid}>
<Input type='email' value={input} onChange={handleInputChange} />
{!isError ? (
Enter the email you'd like to receive the newsletter on.
) : (
<Field.ErrorMessage>Email is required.</Field.ErrorMessage>

Making a field required#

By passing the required props, the Input field has aria-required set to true, and the Field.Label will show a red asterisk.

This red asterisk can be overwritten by passing requiredIndicator to the Field.Label. If you want to indicate that a field is optional you can add optionalIndicator to the Field.Label

<Field.Root required>
<Field.Label>First name </Field.Label>
<Input placeholder='First name' />

Usage with Select#

<NativeSelect.Field placeholder='Select country'>
<option>United Arab Emirates</option>

Usage with NumberInput#

<NumberInput.Root max={50} min={10}>
<NumberInput.Field />
<NumberInput.IncrementTrigger />
<NumberInput.DecrementTrigger />
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Proudly made inNigeria by Segun Adebayo

Deployed by â–² Vercel